Legrand Cablofil Zinc Magnesium Large Clamp Plate, Small Clamp Plate, Coach Bolt M6 x 20mm and Nut Fixing Kit

Legrand | SC4036MG | Swiftrack Hot Dip Galvanised Steel Slotted Channel 41mm x 41mm x 6m Length

Legrand | SC4036M | Swiftrack Pre-Galvanised Steel Slotted Channel 41mm x 41mm x 6m Length

Legrand | SB706 | Swiftrack Hot Dip Galvanised Steel Double Channel Gusseted Bracket

Legrand | SB704 | Swiftrack Hot Dip Galvanised Steel Single Channel Base Plate

Legrand | EFCG | Swifts Extra Heavy Duty Hot Dip Galvanised Steel Cable Ladder Hold Down Clip
- Supplied in pairs, with fasteners (8 per coupler)
- Use to couple...

Legrand | SRFUT900300G | Swifts Heavy Duty Hot Dip Galvanised Steel Cable Tray Unequal Tee 900mm x 50mm to 300mm x 50mm

Legrand | EFG | Swifts Extra Heavy Duty Hot Dip Galvanised Steel Cable Ladder Hold Down Clip

Legrand | PTFEB | Swifts Cable Tray Electrotinned Copper Earth Continuity Connector
- Fastenings not included
- Use M6 x 12mm roofing...

Legrand | SC952 | Swiftrack Channel Closure Strip 3m Plastic White
The Legrand SC952 is a 3-metre long cover strip, designed to be used as part of the Swiftrack...

Legrand | SRFCG | Swifts Heavy Duty Hot Dip Galvanised Steel Cable Tray Coupler Pair

Legrand | SRFCPG | Swifts Heavy Duty Pre-Galvanised Steel Cable Tray Coupler Pair

Legrand | SRFB10045G | Swifts Heavy Duty Hot Dip Galvanised Steel Cable Tray 45° Flat Bend 100mm x 50mm

Legrand | SRFIR225G | Swifts Heavy Duty Hot Dip Galvanised Steel Cable Tray 90° Inside Riser 225mm x 50mm

Legrand | SRFB30045G | Swifts Heavy Duty Hot Dip Galvanised Steel Cable Tray 45° Flat Bend 300mm x 50mm

Legrand Cablofil Zinc Magnesium Large Clamp Plate with Integrated Bolt and Small Clamp Plate with Integrated Nut Fixing Kit

Legrand | SRFOR75G | Swifts Heavy Duty Hot Dip Galvanised Steel Cable Tray 90° Outside Riser 75mm x 50mm