CMP 737 | Thread Conversions | Adaptors & Reducers

737 Adaptors/ Adapters & Reducers for a Wide Range of Thread Sizes and Types


Adaptors/Adapters & Reducers, Globally Approved, Explosive Atmosphere Cable / Conduit Accessory


Used for thread conversion

Wide range of thread types & sizes

General purpose / industrial version available

Equipment interface ‘O’ ring seal available

-60°C to +200°C (metallic versions)

Reducers Globally marked: – IECEx, ATEX, UL, cCSAus & UKEX

Adaptors Globally marked: – Up to 2 steps up in size IECEx, ATEX, cCSAus, UKEX


In order to select and adaptor/adapters & reducers, using the below dimension tables:


1 ) Select male thread from the left hand column of Table ‘A’
2) Select the female thread size from the top of Table ‘A’, referenced ‘A**’ for adaptor/adapter and ‘R**’ for reducer
3) Using this code reference, please refer to the corresponding dimensions in Table ‘B’

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Табличные данные
Рекомендуемые товары
  • Категория
    Reducers and Adaptors
  • Design Specification
    BS 6121:Part 1:1989, IEC 62444, EN 62444
  • Ingress Protection Rating **
    IP66, IP67 & IP68 (when fitted with CMP sealing accessories)
  • Материал
    Electroless Nickel Plated Brass, Brass, Nylon, Stainless Steel, Aluminium





METRIC   M16 M20 M25 M32 M40 M50 M63 M75 M90 M100 ½" ¾" 1" 1¼" 1½" 2" 2½" 3" 3½" 4"
M16 A01 A04 A08               A03 A08                
M20 R01 A05 A07 A12             A05 A11 A15              
M25 R05 R03 A09 A14 A18           R03 A09 A16 A18            
M32 R06 R06 R06 A17 A19 A24         R06 R06 A17 A19 A24          
M40 R08 R08 R08 R08 A20 A29 A33       R08 R08 R08 A21 A25 A33        
M50 R10 R10 R10 R10 R10 A28 A35 A49     R11 R11 R10 R10 A27 A32 A42 A52    
M63   R12 R12 R12 R12 R12 A37 A48 A53   R12 R12 R12 R12 R12 A37 A44 A53    
M75   R14 R14 R14 R14 R16 R15 A47 A55 A57   R14 R14 R14 R14 R14 A46 A55 A61  
M90         R19 R19 R17 R19   A60             R18      
M100             R20 R20 R20                   A58  
NPT ½" R02 A06 A07 A12             A02 A10 A15              
¾" R04 R04 A09 A16 A22           R04 A09 A16 A18            
1" R07 R07 R07 A13 A19           R07 R07 A17 A19 A24          
1¼" R09 R09 R09 R09 A20 A23         R09 R09 R09 A20 A25 A30        
1½"   R10 R10 R10 R11 A26 A34       R10 R10 R10 R10 A26 A31 A41      
2"   R12 R12 R12 R12 R12 A36 A43     R12 R12 R12 R12 R12   A39 A50    
2½"   R14 R14 R14 R14 R13 R13 A40     R14 R14 R14 R14 R14 R14 A45 A54    
3"   R17 R19 R19   R18 R19 R19 A56   R17   R18 R18 R18 R18 R19 A51 A59 A62
3½"       R17   R20 R20 R20 R20       R20 R20 R20 R20 R20 R20    
4"           R21 R21 R21           R21 R21 R21 R21 R21 R21  
Table A Ref. Across
Flats 'A'
Corners 'B'
Table A Ref. Across
Flats 'A'
Corners 'B'
Bore 'C'
Table A Ref. Across
Flats 'A'
Corners 'B'
Bore 'C'
Table A Ref. Across
Flats 'A'
Corners 'B'
Bore 'C'
R01 24.0 26.4 A01 22.0 24.2 9.7 A23 55.0 60.5 32.1 A45 80.0 88.0 60.5                  
R02 27.0 29.7 A02 24.0 26.4 14.0 A24 55.0 60.5 26.0 A46 80.0 88.0 65.0                  
R03 30.0 33.0 A03 24.0 26.4 9.7 A25 55.0 60.5 32.0 A47 84.0 92.4 68.0                  
R04 31.5 34.7 A04 24.0 26.4 10.0 A26 55.0 60.5 38.0 A48 90.2 99.2 53.0                  
R05 31.5 34.7 A05 24.0 26.4 14.0 A27 55.0 60.5 43.6 A49 90.2 99.2 42.0                  
R06 37.6 41.4 A06 27.0 29.7 14.0 A28 59.8 65.8 44.2 A50 95.0 104.5 49.0                  
R07 41.0 45.1 A07 30.0 33.0 14.0 A29 60.0 66.0 32.1 A51 95.0 104.5 75.0                  
R08 46.0 50.6 A08 30.0 33.0 9.7 A30 65.0 71.5 32.0 A52 100.0 110.0 44.2                  
R09 50.0 55.0 A09 30.0 33.0 20.0 A31 65.0 71.5 38.0 A53 100.0 110.0 55.0                  
R10 55.0 60.5 A10 30.5 33.6 14.0 A32 65.0 71.5 44.2 A54 100.0 110.0 60.5                  
R11 60.0 66.0 A11 31.5 34.7 14.0 A33 70.0 77.0 32.0 A55 100.0 110.0 64.8                  
R12 70.0 77.0 A12 36.0 39.6 14.0 A34 70.0 77.0 38.0 A56 100.0 110.0 75.0                  
R13 79.0 86.9 A13 36.0 39.6 26.0 A35 70.0 77.0 44.2 A57 110.0 121.0 61.0                  
R14 80.0 88.0 A14 37.6 41.4 20.0 A36 70.0 77.0 49.0 A58 110.0 121.0 75.0                  
R15 84.0 92.4 A15 41.0 45.1 14.0 A37 70.0 77.0 53.0 A59 110.0 121.0 75.0                  
R16 90.2 99.2 A16 41.0 45.1 20.0 A38 70.0 77.0 32.1 A60 110.0 121.0 79.3                  
R17 95.0 104.5 A17 41.0 45.1 26.0 A39 79.0 86.9 49.0 A61 110.0 121.0 68.3                  
R18 98.8 108.7 A18 46.0 50.6 20.0 A40 79.0 86.9 60.0 A62 117.5 129.3 75.0                  
R19 100.0 110.0 A19 46.0 50.6 26.0 A41 80.0 88.0 38.0                          
R20 110.0 121.0 A20 46.0 50.6 32.1 A42 80.0 88.0 44.2                          
R21 123.0 135.3 A21 50.0 55.0 32.0 A43 80.0 88.0 49.0                          
R22 127.0 139.7 A22 50.0 55.0 20.0 A44 80.0 88.0 55.0                          
Additional sizes available upon request
Minimum reducer bore determined by female thread
Dimensions displayed in millimetres

