
Our company congratulates everyone on the arrival of the autumn season, and we would like to kick off the season with some positive news.

We are pleased to announce that Sigma Electrical Export UK, Nottingham, UK, which is included in Sigma Group companies, has organised a campaign, the benefit of which is incomparable.
With the beginning of autumn, as well as returning to school, there has been a return of various sports clubs that help to develop our children’s values, such as self-discipline, respect and the desire to achieve their goals.

Unfortunately, not everyone could take part in such activities. For example, one Derbyshire football team, made up of very young 7–8-year-olds, needed sports kits.

When Chris Walters, managing director of Sigma Electrical Export UK, found out about it, he decided to help and presented football kits to schoolchildren.

Christopher Walters left a few words on the occasion:

"In giving a young artist the gift of paints and brushes, they can become intrinsically motivated and driven. I feel it is the same in this case.
It's not about the gift or the price; it's about something more, not just materials, but a sign of support and faith in young players. I am sure it lifts the children and helps to create a sense of gratitude, pride and belonging…".

We are delighted to receive such news and to announce it with a sense of pride.

Our company is convinced that the young footballers will achieve good results in sport as a result of tremendous work and faith in their own abilities.