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КатегорияКабельный Гланд
Design SpecificationBS 6121:Part 1:1989, IEC 62444, EN 62444
Mechanical Classification*Impact = Level 8, Cable Anchorage = Type D
Ingress Protection Rating **IP66, IP67 and IP68***
Cable TypeLead Sheathed & Single Wire Armour (LC/SWA), Lead Sheathed & Aluminium Wire Armour (LC/AWA), Lead Sheathed & Wire Braid Armour (LC/SWB), Lead Sheathed & Pliable Wire Armour (LC/PWA), Lead Sheathed & Steel Tape Armour (LC/STA), Lead Sheathed & Aluminium Strip Armour (LC/ASA)
МатериалBrass, Electroless Nickel Plated Brass, Stainless Steel, Aluminium
Seal MaterialCMP SOLO LSF Halogen Free Thermoset Elastomer / RapidEx Barrier Compound
Armour ClampingDetachable Compound Tube / Cone and AnyWay Universal Clamping Ring
Sealing Area(s)Inner Compound Barrier and Outer Sheath

CMP PX2KWREX |Explosive Atmosphere Barrier Cable Gland
Globally Approved, Explosive Atmosphere RapidEx Barrier Cable Gland
CMP PX2KREX |Explosive Atmosphere Barrier Cable Gland
Globally Approved, Explosive Atmosphere RapidEx Barrier Cable Gland
CMP PX2K|Explosive Atmosphere Barrier Cable Gland
Globally Approved, Explosive Atmosphere Barrier Cable Gland

Triton CDS (T3CDS) |Explosive Atmosphere Cable Gland
Globally Approved, Explosive Atmosphere Cable Gland