Sphinx (SCAL)

The SPHINX cable support cleat has been designed, constructed and tested in accordance with the international standard IEC 61914:2015 cable cleats for electrical installations; to ensure the securing and retention of cables, without sustaining damage to the cable(s).

Designed to support cables in high voltage applications, the SPHINX allows cable sag between fixed anchor points, where desirable. Sagging cable between fixed anchor points is a method of installation where the cable is allowed to hang between the cleats.

This area of excess cable will accommodate thermal expansion and contraction of the cable in service, without putting undue stress on the anchor

The SPHINX adds additional support to the cable at the anchor points, ensuring there is no excessive pressure or point loading to the cable in these critical areas. The system is designed so that the support arm and cleat area can swivel and rotate, allowing flexibility to the installer.

The SPHINX comes in three lengths; 400mm, 600mm and 800mm. This will accommodate larger cable cleat fixing centers, whilst reducing the pressure applied t the cable from its own weight.

The product can be fabricated to suit any installation parameters. Please contact CMP to discuss your specific project requirements

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Рекомендуемые товары
  • Категория
    Кабельный ввод
  • Design Specification
    IEC 61914:2015
  • Cable Type
    6.1.3 Composite
  • Материал
    5000 & 6000 Series Aluminium
  • Needle Flame Test
    Pass - 120 seconds IEC 61914 clause 10.0, 10.1, IEC 60695-11-5
  • Impact Resistance
    Pass - Very heavy IEC 61914 clause 6.3, 6.3.5, 9.2