Рекомендуемые товары
КатегорияКабельный скобы
Design SpecificationBS 6121:Part 1:1989, IEC 62444, EN 62444
Mechanical Classification*Impact = Level 8, Cable Anchorage = Type D
Ingress Protection Rating **IP66 as standard (IP67, IP68*** available upon request)
Cable TypeSingle Wire Armour (SWA), Aluminium Wire Armour (AWA), Steel Tape Armour (STA), Wire Braid Armour (e.g. SWB), Aluminium Strip Armour (ASA), Pliable Wire Armour (PWA), Screened Flexible (EMC) Wire Braid (e.g. CY / SY), Armoured & Jacketed
МатериалBrass, Electroless Nickel Plated Brass, Aluminium
Seal MaterialCMP SOLO LSF Halogen Free Thermoset Elastomer
Armour ClampingReversible Armour Cone and AnyWay Universal Clamping Ring
Sealing Area(s)Cable Inner Bedding and Outer Cable Sheath

CMP SS2K |Explosive Atmosphere Cable Gland
Double Seal, Globally Approved, Explosive Atmosphere Cable Gland
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CMP E1FW | Explosive Atmosphere Cable Gland
Globally Approved, Explosive Atmosphere Cable Gland

A2F Cable Gland
Internationally Approved, Ex eb, Explosive Atmosphere Cable Gland
CMP Triton CDS (T3CDS) | Explosive Atmosphere Cable Gland
Globally Approved, Explosive Atmosphere Cable Gland